Spiritual Warfare

Walking The Sacred Path




Spiritual warfare is rapidly becoming a trendy topic of discussion . Books are popping up everywhere. Motivational speakers are openly speaking about difficulties with addictions, disease, malignant people, and how to change and transform your life.

It’s become a very confusing time in the era of “self help” because everyone has their own doctrine, and people are more open with recognizing abuse in their life. They seek out these book for answers. Everybody is writing books these days. How does one go through the book isles and figure which book will be the answer to their questions to the problems they are wishing to solve privately?

What is even more troubling is that amidst the myriad of books and speeches, there are only a few that speak about Jesus Christ. More disturbing still, those that speak about Jesus Christ are either speaking “for Him” which the Bible warns about strongly, or they are misleading their audience largely due to biblical illiteracy. They take the scripture from the bible, and twist, manipulate and put their own spin on it. This is done to either make it more palatable for their audience, or out of fear that the true meaning will offend. Additionally , this is also done to satisfy their own personal agenda of personal gain in one respect or another.

The moment we are born is when spiritual warfare truly begins. God gave us all a choice when we incarnated and were born. The primary choice is to either follow God or follow the satan. The bible is packed full of history and teachings and prophecy on how to live your life.

Prior to the Great Katabole which was a flood destroying the entire first Earth Age, there was a war in Heaven. This is outlined  in the book of Revelations which goes back in time to provide detail.

Lucifer was an Archangel and was loved and cherished  as much as the other ArchAngels.  He was given a great deal of responsibility and free will as all of the ArchAngels and Angels alike . All souls were spiritual beings during the first Earth Age. As it is written throughout the Bible, God uses the term “Angel” to refer to all souls He calls His children. He differentiates the ArchAngels and the Angelic realm respectively .

As he is described in the book of Ezekiel, Lucifer was made “the full pattern” meaning not lacking in beauty, stature, responsibility, or blessings. He was trusted by God so much that he worked his way up to protecting the Mercy Seat (God’s Throne). The problems became self evident when Lucifer became filled with vanity, arrogance, and pride. He believed he could overthrow God, take the Throne for himself and rule the Universe.

This led to a war in Heaven.

The ArchAngel Michael, the known warrior of the ArchAngels assembled the ArchAngels and Angelic realms and a battle ensued ending in the defeat of Lucifer. During this battle, Lucifer deceived and rallied ⅓ of God’s children to follow him, which meant to both fight and stand against God and the ArchAngels/Angelic realms.

As it is written, Michael and his Angels warred against Lucifer and his angels. Lucifer and the ⅓ he deceived did not prevail.

Lucifer was pushed from the Heavens and sent to earth until the end of time. He was stripped of title, beauty, stature and blessings. By the very nature of God’s condemnation of death, lucifer was stripped of all gifts of the Holy Spirit that went into his creation.

Additionally, throughout the Bible, there are both woes, prophecy warning of the false one. The Bible teaches us how to structure and live our lives, how to treat people, how to be a human being. There isn’t anything in life that the Bible does not cover. This is true %100.

There is also a wealth of detailed information specific to lucifer and spiritual warfare that is crucial to understand when approaching topics of spiritual warfare, being spiritually gifted or entering a transformative and sacred path with Jesus Christ.

The defeat of satan gave rise to the great Katabole as the book of Genesis begins.

It is here, at this point in time that spiritual warfare came to the Earth. God Created Adam and Eve on the 8th day (they are the 8th day creations) Genesis 2:7,21 in the Garden of Eden with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God gave them explicit instructions. Satan ultimately deceived them both.

They both lied to God.

They both did many things against God’s instructions. Who taught them to lie, for starters?This opens the door to many questions which lend a better view and scope of spiritual warfare.

It begins, more often than not in the most benign ways. Sometimes the gateway is so subtle, or our perception is so skewed that it isn’t noticed until one is knee deep.

The reality is that most people don’t really look for these tell tale signs. They don’t know what scripture says because they don’t read the Bible. Many don’t understand it. Many read it and misinterpret the translation . Sadly, this often happens in church of all places. False doctrine is by and large one of the biggest areas of problems here. There are warnings and Prophecy in both the Old and New Testament about churches that teach false doctrine.

The Bible is Wisdom and brings forth understanding, Truth, Faith, and Spiritual Discernment. The Holy Spirit opens your eyes and also opens your ears.

While many with abilities  say they only deal with those in “the light”,  It is impossible to have the level of discernment  necessary unless you have a close personal relation with Jesus Christ . Satan is called the”great pretender” for a reason. Discernment at this level is a very unkind teacher without Jesus Christ at the helm.

Spiritual warfare is not something that happens in the Heavens or just at the end times like many people think.

It is not isolated to God and the ArchAngels like many popular opinions.

There are varying degrees of spiritual warfare based upon the individual. The type of spiritual warfare that I am writing about is the type that not many people know about, nor should they. It’s entirely directed at those with spiritual gifts and choose to follow a sacred path with Jesus Christ. Furthermore , if you are one with spiritual abilities….  chances are you are already in the throes and woes of it but are unable to articulate the happenings as spiritual warfare.

There are many many signs that go unnoticed or shrugged off.Just because you have spiritual abilities, does not necessarily mean you have the awareness yet of what is going on around you energetically . This is not a normal experience for human beings to experience. When they do, without the right spiritual support systems and discernments , one can feel truly disembodied in spirit and soul.

There is not a single aspect of the world today that satan and his demons are not well acquainted with. Not a single area! Evil spirits will do anything and everything to derail you and your goals, especially if you rebuke evil and consciously follow Jesus Christ.

In today’s world we have some of the most spiritually bankrupt people of all time. They seek solace in social media to give them a sense of belonging and are glued to all that is artificial. They seek out others to tell them who they are or aren’t, rather than going directly to the ONE that created them. We live in a world of impatience and artificial intelligence that is now replacing human interaction entirely.

People, more than ever are looking and asking for their true purpose in life. What is their fate, their destiny, their true calling? Sometimes I look at them and think, “why are they not asking this of God instead of me?” … and then I look at them and say “why are you not asking God this question?

It is removing God completely and entirely out the fiber that weaves the human being together to make he/she whole and complete and feel fulfilled with a life that is of value and worth living. He IS the human experience that life is so barren of in today’s societal structure.

So why is it that nobody wants to look to HIM for guidance, TRUTH, direction or healing?

There are a few myths that often arise about spiritual warfare and Christians. Some  people think spiritual warfare is the responsibility of  Michael the Archangel and  that it only comes at the end times. Others think that good Christians  spread glitter and fairy dust.everywhere they go . I am partially being tongue in cheek here… there are those who think very much along the lines of magical thinking. Others liken Christianity to being a doormat, while others still have views of the other extreme of hypocrites.  How awful that the word Christian in this day and age conjure such terrible falsehoods.

Christians take ground. We definitely don’t give it up.

As a Christian, God expects us to take a stand against the fiery darts of satan and his evil spirits. He defends us in battle and the thought that the ArchAngel Michael would bear all the weight of spiritual warfare is the type of magical thinking that goes with glitter and fairy dust. There is so much I could write about this.

I intend to. But for now I will say this. Being a Christian is a privilege and one that should not be taken for granted or put on the shelf for a later time in life. When you, yourself are engaged in spiritual warfare, you don’t even have the ability to pray without evil spirits and satan crawling in and over you. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Having spiritual abilities should go hand in hand with servitude to God and walking with Jesus Christ. Unfortunately this is not the case. People try to do things without God and what they get is satan. That is the Truth. If it is not of God, it is of satan.

Satan is the author of chaos and confusion.

God is the author of Peace and He is so very patient. The Bible is His letter to you. There are plenty of ways to obtain an accurate translation in order to understand it. Just ask me I struggled with this.

When you can look at someone in the eyes and see the deep craters that represent pain, an innermost something that you have never seen before, coupled with strength, resilience and a feeling of trust… understand that there is a dark abyss of evil just waiting to teach you about spiritual warfare….that innermost something that you don’t understand.

It’s important that you look for He who will light your path, even in the depth of darkness, I promise you, He is right by your side.


