Unruly Mystic Herbal Company
The Unruly Mystic Herbal Company is inspired by Saint Hildegard of Bingen- The original Unruly Mystic.
St Hildegard was a Benedictine Abbess from Bermersheim Germany born in 1098.
Let me tell you about this amazing woman whom I feel everyone should know about, and why she was called the Unruly Mystic.
Saint Hildegard was a mystic and a nun during a time when women with spiritual gifts and personalities such as hers were meant to be silent and out of sight. She was from a large noble family and was sent to the monastery as a small child. This was not out of the ordinary during her time. It afforded her opportunities she would not normally have such as learning to read, and write and have an education.
She began to have spiritual visions around the age of 4 years old and she was often thought of as “sickly”. The visions, at times, had terrible effects on her i.e blinding headaches, nausea, malaise and was confined to her quarters. She grew into a rather reclusive role which went against everything instinctual she felt. She was young and denied the opportunity to express her personality and creativity; and it while it came close to breaking her spirit, her faith was such that nothing could sever the ties she had to Jesus Christ/ God .
As Saint Hildegard grew, so did her strength and wisdom. She was truly Divinely guided in every aspect of her life. She made waves in nearly every area of her life, with lessons pertaining to endurance and perseverance from a very early age. With each lesson came a deeper understanding of God’s grace, a deeper humility, the beauty of His powerful Love, and gratitude. The more God led, the more He showed her how He worked in her life. She was incredibly accomplished as a polymath—a person with extensive knowledge and training in several disciplines. In addition to her mysticism, she was also a prolific writer, musician, composer, theologian, playwright, teacher, herbalist, and healer.
St. Hildegard kept fighting for those around her. She fought for justice, for the betterment, for higher standards, against corruption, and never for her glory- but for the glory of God.
She maintained dignity, righteousness and decorum at all times. Nobody believed she had visions or sacred gifts from God and created turmoil, investigations, setbacks, gossip, you name it. If she were a man, there wouldn’t have been much to say, and it wouldn’t have caused such an uprising. But for the fact that she was a woman, this was the beginning for the world -not really for her- to see her as “Unruly”. She always found ways to circumvent to get her message out until it was time for her voice and her message to be heard. When that time presented itself, it spread like a wildfire. She began to speak publically all over. She wrote many books, plays, composed music, sang etc. People sought her counsel from Kings to dignitaries to historic members of the clergy and more. Her understanding of plants and their medicinal uses was a major factor of living and healing the sick and injured during her time, and she is still a renowned icon in the world of herbalism today.
Saint Hildegard challenged the structural roles within the church. She was often a reflective mirror to corruption. The light of righteousness shines on the darkness. She diligently followed the path God laid out out for her and is a true testament of walking by faith. Her blessings were rich and steeped in wisdom, love, abundance, and her knowledge base was immense. Throughout all of her writings and compositions , she gives all glory to God- as she did in everything she did. I truly believe there was not a moment in her life, good or bad that she did not give glory to God. The blessings God bestowed upon her were too many to type on a single page, likewise trying to talk about this iconic woman and everything she means to me is too much to type on a single page. What I can summarize to you, the reader is that I feel extremely blessed that God has placed St Hildegard in my life and she has been there my whole life. It’s a blessing… and gratitude that I cannot even begin to express…. please just know it’s there, and all glory is given to My Heavenly Father .
Saint Hildegard was canonized as a Saint and became a Doctor of the Church on 2012 .. She is 1 of only 4 women that are Doctors of the Church!
If you have read through my website, then it’s clear that God has gifted me spiritually-Much like St Hildegard, I have been spiritually gifted my entire life. Our lives and upbringings are vastly different, but we share the same love for Jesus Christ/God and are Guided by the Holy Spirit.
Saint Hildegard is the reason I became an herbalist. She is so influential in my life, and I am blessed to be guided and directed in this area of herbalism.
I view plants as a creation of God. They are living beings and they communicate just like people do. It took me long time to truly understand this . I think this is important for herbalist to have, but it’s not something that can be taught. The plants indoctrinate the human and these things take time and the plants themselve make themselves known and pick you. Not in a way that they grab you and say “hey, you’re coming with me” but if you could hear them talk…. it’s more like they find a way to get your attention- repeatedly.
In herbalism we call this “working with a specific plant or herb” , I have found you can learn so much this way. Sometimes it’s the simplest of approaches that has the very best of outcomes.
Herbalism treats the whole person by bring the body into balance through each system of the body. It takes patience and time, and sometimes we will need to try a couple of different herbs to get the right one or combination that is best for you.
It’s not an exact science, but plant medicine has been around since God created it in the beginning . Plants are powerful medicines, and should be revered as such. It’s essential to go through an herbalist for several reasons :
- if you take other herbs or medications this can be toxic or even fatal
- dosage- most people take the wrong dose. An herbalist provides a clinical dose formulated for you and your concerns
- taking the wrong herb or mixing with other supplements – both can be damaging or problematic
- If you’re looking for a quick fix or something to work like pharmacological medication, you’re missing the concept of treating the whole person.
My hope is that more people will migrate toward the herbal path and allow the plants , nature and God to heal them. Life began in the most simplistic of ways and today we live in a world that is anything but that.
I have a background in healthcare which affords me a deeper understanding into body systems mechanisms and emotional concerns .
I am a certified herbalist which focuses on treating the whole person and I am a firm believer that part of the whole person is also addressing the spiritual body to some degree.
My spiritual gifts and abilities are woven into everything that I do, and I am Divinely guided in everything I do. This is how I live my life, and my practice of herbalism and working with others is no exception.
I do my best to keep consultations and follow up sessions affordable to make the herbal path available to all.
I provide Initial consultations via zoom and are 60 minutes in duration.
Follow up sessions within the first year are 30 minutes in duration.
I provide herbs for an additional fee and will mail them to you priority in the continental US
To ask a question or to book a consultation , please email Info@Unrulymystic.com