In today’s society, there is an ample amount of information about the internet concerning spiritual growth, metaphysical development, spirit communication, and various paths of healing/a healer. I am often asked questions concerning various concepts in development, questions about the skill of manifestation, and the life’s purpose. This extends out to the constructs of shamanism, spirit driven messages and one’s identity as a healing practitioner .When there is pain and suffering, there are fragile and susceptible individuals seeking a way to move above and beyond the chaos. Some seek the guidance of professional psychic-mediums, and intuitives; while others seek healing from a shaman, integrative energy healer, and the clergy.
I have often found that people are easily mislead by false information that seems to be abundant at every turn. They accept everything they hear or research, without questioning the validity or the basis of the concept. They put their trust in someone or something that makes void the Word of God due to viewpoints about religion, worry of being ridiculed, or pure ignorance. The concepts of faith and prayer are riddled with a quick fix mentality, including the mass production of spiritual development
Each and every person has a story to tell. Most of humanity has an innate desire to share one’s experience, strength, and hope with one another. True growth is expansive. In contrast, a house built upon sand will eventually succumb to the inclimate weather. Those who seek help are often derailed by disingenuine practitioners and false teachings. The end result has the potential of robbing them of the very foundation for which their life was created. Capitalization of pain and suffering is at global proportions. Job is a primary example of suffering that was exploited.
Humanity is largely being compartmentalized into a “one size fits all” model and has encroached upon nearly every area of life. The world has turned into ” survival of the fittest” for many, which is an injustice to those seeking truth, knowledge and wisdom. It exploits confusion, chaos, pain and frustration, and leaves the person in a state of dis-ease.
As frustrating as life can be at various points, it is perhaps even more frustrating when one is seeking answers in life; only to find a myriad of information that is blatantly false. People have taken God (the Creator of all), completely out of the equation. The metaphysical community is overflowing with New Age and outlandish concepts that are confusing, misleading, and a primary cause of derailment in one’s spiritual growth and development.
The masses portend gimmicky concepts, i.e.
- developing clairvoyance and clairaudience in a few easy steps
- discover your past lives and lessons through akashic meditations ( not readings). The akashic records are an individual’s book of life and not to be entered into lightly.
- evil doesn’t exist so therefore there is no need to ever question a soul’s intentions or discern the information given
- if you meet certain criteria, ( there are several types of “checklists out there),then you too can be a shaman, healer, intuitive or the like
- souls that are “earthbound” are often confused requiring help from you (the medium, the empath, the healer etc.) to step into the light. The notion being, that certain causes of death prevent the soul from having clarity and/or insight. This concept further makes excuses for a soul to willingly disavow repentance and salvation. Helping souls ascend into the light is also a huge misperception about shamanism.
- The veil is “thin” during certain times ( I have written about this in past blogs), so it is important to connect with those who have passed on during the “thinning veil”
- one must heal ancestral/family karma in order to have a life filled with happiness and worthy of living
- one can manifest monetary wealth or likewise prevent negative events from happening
- negative circumstances experienced in life are a direct result of co-creation
The list is infinite…
Information received from a teacher, a preacher, or a metaphysician (medium, psychic, empath,channel) should be questioned, and those on the up and up will have no difficulty tracing its roots back biblically. Some of the questions you might ask yourself include: Where is this information coming from? Is it based in some form of reality that can be factually traced? Is the information only partially true? Truth woven with deceitful threading can alter the information in its entirety. This completely changes the meaning, which will bring about destruction and derailment. When Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights, satan tested Him with scripture, changing a minor word which completely changed the meaning. This was purposely meant to test Jesus (and satan failed).
We are all unique in our individual humanity. Just as there are no two fingerprints alike, our abilities are also individually unique. It is not something that can readily conform to the masses, as some would have you believe. How we view the world is largely based on our experiences in life. We are led in certain directions because of our need to grow inwardly (mind and spirit) as well as outwardly (the body). False teachings and false teachers alike twist the truth and negate God’s wisdom causing extended chaos and confusion. Even the broadest concepts must be specifically broken down to foster personal acknowledgement, growth, and understanding. Wisdom has no loopholes thus cannot be manufactured through mass production.
Those who forebear truth have the potential to lead you astray. When I ask people “why do you think a certain concept is true?,” the reply is most often something along the lines of “it feels right, it carries a positive vibration, it’s in alignment with my life” to name a few. This leads to a follow up question as to discernment of energy i.e. positive vibrations. Deception is specifically meant to lure one away from their intended path of righteousness and into the path of self righteousness. When embarking upon the development of gifts (spiritual abilities), the biggest pitfall is relying on the “sunshine and rainbows” that makes a person feel good rather than discerning both the context, as well as the concept of the information received. Sometimes the bottom line of truth is ugly and difficult to digest no matter how ready we are to hear it.
Spiritual development cannot be mass produced, nor can it be learned in a few easy exercises as some would have you believe. Experiential learning often yields the depths in understanding and sometimes acts as a precursor that something is amiss. The natural progression in conflict and dis-ease, is to seek resolve; which in-turn causes a scouring of information in search of the truth.
Life has many lessons, and as such, the purpose of one’s life is unlike any other. These lessons are specific to you and your circumstances. The masses build and expand upon falsehoods. This is energetically destructive to those who seek a watered down version of truth and healing. Metaphorically speaking, they have a medicine bottle and a label, but they’re taking diluted drugs that can never heal them. Since the beginning of time, there have been false prophets who water down God’s truth and His word in the hopes of getting the masses to follow them.
Both the major and minor prophets warn of false doctrines and familiar spirits who are responsible for the ruin of souls. They preached the importance of eternal life; not as a mere concept, or something that can be placed on a shelf until the time of death, but a way of life that ensures your salvation. This is the difference between mortality and immortality. Mortal souls use one’s lack of discernment, false teachings and convoluted belief systems, to disrupt humanity and derail the truth seekers.
The soul is never confused or trapped as some practitioners teach. If they do not live in eternity with Christ (are not in the light), it is completely and entirely of their own choosing. The loophole that is often overlooked is that ALL souls are with God, but not every soul has salvation. Mortal souls use one’s lack of discernment, false teachings and convoluted belief systems, to disrupt humanity derail the truth seekers.
The prophets wore the Armour of God and spoke the Truth. They willingly, and without hesitation, offered God’s wisdom. They taught the people to know God’s promises and accept His blessings. They did not compromise. As a result, they were scoffed at, martyred, and experienced great suffering. Each of them relied upon God for their knowledge and their direction in life; even in the most ominous of circumstances. Moses questioned his ability to lead the people in what seemed like insurmountable circumstances, and Abraham certainly didn’t want to sacrifice his son Isaac. While it tested their faith, it was a living testament to their sanctity of life and trusting that God would see them through the unimaginable (and He did).
In the book of Ezekiel, he speaks to those that are void of the wisdom of God because of false teachings and false prophets. He denounced corruption and he boldly warned of God’s wrath. He followed the path God laid down for him and lead the people out of darkness. Ezekiel, Enoch, Elijah, Daniel,and Jeremiah are just a few of the prophets who taught the way to eternal life was knowing the truth. Their prophecies dispelled the nature of false teachings and false prophets and the consequences there of.
In today’s era, concepts have been taken from the bible and grossly denatured to the point of being void of any semblance of truth. Healing practices for the afflicted are no exception.They too have not maintained their original form. I would like to think that most practitioners do not purposely set out to deceive. That being said, if true discernment were practiced, the information sent out into the masses would not be false or otherwise misleading. Mass production of spiritual abilities would be diminished, and those in the healing arts would back up their information with the very foundation of truth with biblical reference. It’s always appropriate to ask questions, especially when it comes to your growth and your life. It is equally appropriate and important to know who and where to place your trust and faith.
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” ~ Matthew 7:13-14