Walking the Sacred Path
I often get emails inquiring about personal development of communication with Spiritual beings and quandaries of Spiritual guidance identification from sentient beings.
While it is true that everyone has intuitive abilities, how and when (if ever) they develop are as unique as fingerprints. This is a source of frustration for many that are on the path to a personal awakening and have no one to help them understand key components to their personal development. There are those too who are at the beginning of their Sacred Path which is often called a “spiritual awakening”.
The definition of a spiritual awakening is: a quest for knowledge. That’s it.
Many experience unexplained feelings, events or emotions as part of their initial “awakening” process.
I should be transparent with my opinion and tell you that I don’t care for this terminology because of what is tacked onto it…. what it signifies to me. The wake of evil I have seen from the multitudes .
What is done in terms of growth and the lessons learned during those particular moments, have a tremendous impact on a person’s growth spiritually on their sacred path.
The process of growth often is stumbled upon without forewarning and the transformational commitment is like no other! The individuals willingness to grow and develop at a pace that is not of their choosing, but to walk a sacred path with Jesus Christ.
This is a tall order .
Sadly, many give it lip service. When the water gets rough, instead of relying on God, they throw their hands up.
Not everyone has the patience, the ability to be self aware, or even the desire to be spiritually aware during times of chaos and stress. In some people, their lifestyle simply is not conducive to living a life with the added responsibility of being spiritually intuitive. The Father that created them ( and all things) essentially is saying
” Hey! I’m so happy to see I have your attention. I love you so much. My hope is that you will follow me. I will help you navigate the times ahead and shield you from the devil. Please hold my hand and don’t let go. I’m the beacon of light that you will always see in the storms”.
I wrote in the beginning of my site that abilities should come with a warning label. People who are being deceived will laugh and go to another site. People who know Jesus Christ or want to know Him better will try to understand or do their very best to figure it out along the way as I did. It was a rough road. My hope is that others don’t have to follow a road of deceit.
God-given abilities are without limit. When He needs them He will guide you, and place you in what ever situation He deems necessary. Sometimes His ways are unknown and without any forewarning…. He is always with me … My point here is that God is in complete charge and control of my abilities.
I am not a psychic or a medium.
This is an abomination to God, and the Bible warns of such things. The difference here is that the people who do this are not following God, but the devil. They may say they are. They may say they are Christians, but if they are doing these things, calling themselves these things, charging money -( ill- gotten gains) AND calling forth souls for others this is against what the Bible says….. period. Furthermore, the souls (many of them) are not your loved ones, but evil spirits pretending to be your loved ones. This is one of the reasons why a medium/ psychic has a disclaimer that they can’t guarantee that your loved one will come , blah blah blah…. or they have to guess or feed you piecemeal or get some things right but not other things.
If you were to ask any one of these people truly about discernment, it would be an interesting discussion IF it were to get to the point of an actual in depth discussion. This would entail question the souls who “lead them” …. let me tell you, I don’t advise this unless you are skilled in spiritual warfare.
Some people going through the awakening process are incapable of admitting the very existence of God. Some believe in cosmic energies, mythological nonsense, and for some, nothing other than the capacity of a human being. Their tangible belief systems are disruptive to developing and understanding that not everything can be explained away with tangible proof. Furthermore, they struggle with the concept of being singled out God. The thought of being chosen to engage in a life of Spiritual growth as one of His messengers is often overwhelming and quickly dismissed. It is too great a feat for them at that particular moment.
Human beings, in general, lack the capacity to articulate an existence other than their own which makes it challenging when faced with a tempered aspect of God and Jesus Christ, let alone the full capacity of Him and His role in life as we know it.
Not everyone has the ability to embrace The Truth, as it presents itself in some of the most unorthodox of ways. People often choose the safer route and begin searching for the tangible within the intangible. This is the opposite of faith and stands in clear view of pessimism. The skeptic and pessimist will stand on the outside, while trying to look in, and will subsequently struggle with their hunger for answers to their existence.
For it is through the eyes of fear and an unwillingness to ascertain an existence, that is anything other than tangible.
The opposite of Faith is Fear…. and a few other things
There is a great deal of controversy as to God’s existence, His creation of life, and of other dimensions including Archangels, Angels, and the Spirit world respectively.
There is an even greater controversy about good vs. evil, Heaven and Hell, as well as Lucifer and evil ( familiar spirits) spirits.
We will discuss this in greater detail in future posts as these topics should not be glossed over and delved into deeply as they are extremes in energy and should be reviewed in depth and detail.
So the question becomes “how do I know exactly who is guiding me?”
Each person incarnates into a human body with a team of sentient beings that lead, guide, direct, touch and heal, without any interaction from the human being whatsoever. Each person is given a multitude of Guardians and Angels that God has watching over them, helping them and leading and guiding them.
God uses all kinds of people, places, things and circumstances to mold humans into who they are and the Angels that help them are chosen accordingly. The scripture that corresponds to what I’m speaking about is Proverbs 25:4 “Take away the dross from the silver, and there comes out [the pure metal for] a vessel for the silversmith [to shape]”. There is other scripture, certainly, but God promises to guide us through the fire and weather any storm, all we have to do is follow Him.
This means that with spiritual abilities, there is a choice to made. Many people want to “have fun” with abilites. Some are able to hear those who have passed on, and they take the words they hear as truth. Even more alarming is the massive intrusion into their life…. they welcome it because they are “told it is their path to their awakening”. They feel body intrusions. They are awoken at all times of the night. They are fatigued and on edge. These “souls” they hear, feel and many are able to see are beginning to monopolize their lives.
What is happening here is these souls are trying to possess this person. Is this your idea of “fun”?? Once it starts, it is a nightmare that is anything but “fun”
This is truth.
I’m not trying to scare or sway in any direction.
Often times, these souls will pretend to be ancestors, loved ones, Archangels, prophets, or a fake term called “ascended master”
Many souls lump Jesus Christ into the category of ascended master and the call God “source”….. If you don’t understand ot realize that all of this is coming from satan and his minions, let me help you better understand this.
Discernment is the ability to understand the various different energies that exist in the afterlife and how feel and what to do about it. How is God leading you in these situations? Why is is leading you in this direction and and how are you communicating with Him is the most important question here. Not all souls are good. In fact, if you have experienced any of the above, chances are you were dealing with a demon, and not a messenger sent by God.
It’s important to understand that God works in austere ways. He will use demons to help those with abilities that He bestowed upon them to help them redirect and get on the right path. SO if you’re reading this, perhaps there is a calling here for you some where to know Jesus Christ and to follow Him.